What To Expect


Receiving a Quote

When requesting a quote from Mid Missouri Granite, there are a few options of doing so, a preliminary drawing is great way to start. Once you have your drawing please feel free to call 660.287.5091, or email us at midmissourigranite@gmail.com. We also provide a free in home estimate if you don’t feel comfortable with providing a rough drawing. It is okay if you don’t have your material or edge detail selected before receiving a quote.  We can go over those details once the process has begun.


Measurement and Template

Measuring and templating ensures an exact fit for your custom slab selection. We are equipped to answer any technical questions or concerns you may have, and will work with you to guarantee all specifications and technical details are taken care of.  Most measurements do not take more than 1 hour.



Providing you with a timeless quality surface is our goal. Mid Missouri Granite has ample knowledge and experience in the stone fabrication business. The expertise of the available custom slab products from us provide our clients with the knowledge and guarantee of a quality custom product.  Skillful blending, matching, and fabrication of the stone slabs result in a beautiful combination of nature’s variety and your custom design.



When fabrication is complete, we will finalize your project and put the final touches on your new custom stone project. Our expertise provides us with the ability to keep the installation clean and accurate. An installation usually takes one day, but there are some jobs that take longer to finish, this all depends on the size and complexity of installation.  Please note that on installation day, a clear, animal free path into and out of the home or office is extremely important.  The safety of our crew and your slab is highly important in ensuring a job well done!


Contact Us Today!

Mid Missouri Granite

13451 Curtis Rd

LaMonte, MO 65337

Just 10 mi. west of Sedalia
Phone: 660-287-5091 660-287-5091



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